Hire Us/Events

Photo With Jedi!

Do you have a Star Wars related event that needs a photo opportunity and a chance to take a look at the highest quality Parsec Light Sabres? Or do you have a Jedi Youngling getting ready to celebrate their birthday? Then this is certainly the page for you… 

Email Us At events@parsecsabers.com

When emailing please include:

Name, Address, Date/Time, Business Name (If Applicable), Contact Email Address and A description of the event.

Following this we can reply with a quote and whether we are able to attend the event.

  • Information

    • Duration: 1 – 3 hours
    • A wide range of lightsabres for you guests to have fun with during photo opportunity
    • High-quality costume and props.
    • Star Wars hire is ideal for May the Fourth Events, Birthdays, Star Wars Cinema Events, and more!
    • Photos Taken at the event and Edited to be sent out to the guests.
    • Specific Coupon Codes for your guests to get discounts when buying sabres.
  • Gruvff

    Meet Gruvff. Gruvff was a teenager learning from a well known saber smith towards the end of the the War. At the time of the execution to the soldiers Gruvff became stranded on a planet after being sent on a mission to collect a large shipment of saber parts. There he mastered the art of Saber Smithing and trained as a hero from the smiths Records located on his crashed ship.

  • Talm

    Meet Talm, A hero student from a desert planet. A mysterious hero, not much is known about him or his past...